
Friday, January 1, 2010

hello 2010

I've spent the last hour looking back at pictures from 2009 and I can't believe how much has happened in just one year. It's been a year of new experiences, changes, and a whole lot of learning. And I mean a lot. I've had some good expeiences and some tough ones, but I couldn't be more thankful for the life I have and all that I have learned.

Actually, my main goal for last year was one of the things I've learned over and over in 2009: to trust myself. For me this meant many different things this year... trust my feelings when reason doesn't agree... trust in my abilities to work while going to school... trust my judgment and not second guess the things that are important to me... trust in myself when my confidence is shaken... all of these I've learned through my experiences in 2009.
I couldn't be more ready for a new year. A chance to set more goals to focus on, a chance to grow and the become the person I want to be. I'm so excited for the new year! I always set the standard goals to work on thoughout the year: eat healthier, do good in school, etc. but like last year I have a main goal that I will work on throughout the year and I can't wait to see how it turns out!
hello 2010!! :)
love always, karina

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