
Sunday, August 15, 2010

24 years ago

my parents were married in the Los Angeles, California temple. And since that time they have raised 5 very happy and blessed kids.

Happy and blessed because we have them as our parents and our best friends.

There are some nights when we are all sitting around joking with each other, sharing stories from our day, laughing together and simply being a family- and it's those times I realize how much love my parents have created in our home.

I am so thankful for the choices they made in their lives that brought them together and made us a family :)

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

Saturday, August 14, 2010


of running my heart out to finish my first half marathon :)

Here's a little glimpse of what was going through my head all that time:

"Keep going karina, you're not tired. Man this canyon is pretty!! Don't I have any more upbeat songs? You do not have to pee karina. Is that girl passing me again? ooh that's a blister... I love you john mayer, it's just hard to listen to you when i'm trying to run fast. yay! a water station!! Well, I can't feel my feet anymore. oh yeah karina, you are doing this and you feel great!! "we gonna light it up, like it's dynamite" Ok that was the longest mile of my life. Thank you downhill!! I cannot believe where I am right now."

I don't know what worked better, listening to my self-encouragement or simply ignoring myself to push through it :)

After Brynn and I finished the half-marathon (btw Brynn finished under 2 hours!! isn't she amazing??) we went back and sprinted with my mom as she came in which I loved.

I did way better than I could have ever hoped for and that makes me SO happy :) this whole week I've been feeling so strong and just plain confident after running a half marathon. I've proven to myself again that I can do hard things :)

It was one awesome experience which I will be sure to do again :)